Marceline, Missouri continues to grow our vibrant downtown with the recent addition of Eddy & Ricardo’s, bringing the total number of sit-down dining options in town to five. For many years, Ma Vic’s Corner Cafe was the only option for restaurant dining in town. But now, Marceline’s Main Street USA boasts a variety of eateries, including Ma Vic’s Corner Cafe, Los Chimas Mexican Restaurant, Marceline Pizza Company, J&J on Main, and the new addition of Eddy & Ricardo’s. This growth has been driven by dedicated efforts from local residents and the Downtown Marceline Foundation, who have worked tirelessly to revitalize the area.

Ma Vic’s Corner Cafe, a longtime staple of the community, opens its doors bright and early, serving as a gathering spot for early risers in town. As the day goes on, residents and visitors alike can choose from Mexican fare at Los Chimas and Eddy & Ricardo’s to wood-fired pizza at Marceline Pizza Company, the comfort food offerings at J&J on Main. With several restaurants staying open into the evening, Marceline’s downtown offers something for everyone – whether it’s a breakfast to start the day or an evening meal to finish it.

This thriving restaurant scene reflects a renewed energy in Marceline’s downtown district, further cementing the town’s reputation as a destination on Main Street USA.